A POSITIVE LIFE Publication by Dr. James F. Hubbard


Reducing Toxins


Stress fills the bloodstream with products which must be removed:

blood sugar, fat, minerals, hormones. The proper functioning of the nervous system and healthy cell life depend on a clean blood stream. Nervous disorders or cancer may develop from contamination in the blood, especially if it stays this way for a long period of time. The products of stress can be removed much more quickly when we do not add other toxins to be disposed of.

Nicotine is a toxin which must be removed from the blood. Smoking cigarettes or chewing tobacco slows down the rate of blood cleansing by adding nicotine. Since nicotine is a relaxing drug, it gives a person a false sense of well being. It conceals the stress signals the body sends to warn a person of internal disorder. If you can't stop smoking, or at least cut down, smoke one cigarette and use a substitute habit like sugarless chewing gum for the second smoke. Practicing stress control principles will greatly reduce the need for nicotine, making it possible for you to break the habit.

Alcohol is similar to nicotine in its function but promotes a deeper level of blood pollution depending on how much is consumed. When one begins to feel effects, this is the time to stop. "Know when to say no". Alcohol with food, and alcohol in a fruit juice base add less contamination to the blood.

Caffeine is found in coffee, tea, soft drinks, and chocolate. It IS a stimulant which kills fatigue feelings. Tiredness is a body signal that the waste products in the blood are already high. When one wakes up in the morning still tired, it is a good sign that the blood did not fully cleanse itself during sleep. Caffeine adds more pollution to a blood stream already full of waste products.

Food and Beverage Additives are listed on the containers. You can read the list of flavor enhancers, artificial coloring, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and other non-natural ingredients. If one is not careful, these pollutants can pile up very rapidly.

Over-The-Counter Drugs should be used with moderation. Pill popping can become too easy. These drugs vary in the degree of pollution they add to the blood. Try less drastic ways of relief. Headaches and indigestion sometimes respond to lying down and resting. Constipation is often relieved by relaxing and drinking fruit juice. Sleep can be promoted by music or relaxation exercises.

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May Be Copied For Educational Purposes Only