Expected Norms For the Period
Sleeping Time - The infant will sleep longer periods between
feedings and by three months most infants will sleep through the
night. The parents can expect less demanding night care as the baby
Feedings - The infant starts out with frequent feedings, but these
will decrease in number. The amount consumed will increase as the
feedings become fewer in number. Bowel movements and the
Urination pattern will tend to parallel the feedings. Diaper changes
will be fewer. Some infants signal the need by crying but others will
not make the parent aware of the need. It is important to make the
change as soon as possible to avoid irritation to the baby’s bottom.
Growth - The baby will grow in size and function. There will be a
steady weight gain and an increase in muscular activity. The functioning
begins in the neck area and proceeds to the arms and legs.
By three months the infant will be a considerable amount of movement
and the infant will be able to support the head. Putting the
infant down on a flat surface helps increase the activity.
Affection and Interaction - At first there will appear to be little
response to talking and caressing. The infant will later try to fixate
the face of the parent with a concentrated looking. Next will be
head turning and gurgling. At around three months comes a distinct
response called the smile. It is important that the parent coo and talk
whenever holding the baby even before the smile. The smile invites
interaction from Daddy, Grandparents, friends, and even older
siblings. The baby is now a real person.
Individual Differences - Sleeping through the night and the smile
normally occur around three months. All infants are moving toward
this goal, but there is a characteristic pace for each infant. Some may
achieve these norms earlier than three months and some later.
Parents need to understand this and not be concerned. It is a benefi-
cial practice for the parent to record the arrival time to guide the
expectations for the future growth as normal, early or late.
Crying - Crying is a signal that the infant is unhappy and may be
experiencing some pain.. Crying is one of the signals for hunger.
When the infant wakes up, the parent must get ready in a hurry for
the feeding before real crying emerges. Too much crying may
trigger indigestion when feeding does occur. If crying occurs after
eating, there is likely to be gas. Putting the baby on the shoulder and
patting the back may well relieve the pain.. Moving about and
talking to the distressed infant will be beneficial also. The source of
the indigestion may be in the mother’s milk or the formula. Mother
can watch her diet. She is still eating for two. Formulas are more
easily changed. Crying may be no more than a need for affection.
There is an old saying that may be really true. The baby cannot get
too much loving. When the baby is awake there is a need for
affection and interaction. Touching and holding is especially pleasureable.
Lying around untouched is like not eating Feeling in the
begining is more positive in the head and neck area. The lips are also
sensitive to touch. As the child grows older there is more area
available for caressing. Mother may need help from others in this
vital matter.
The child’s unhappiness during the first three months
may well be due to lack of visual stimulation. Looking at the walls
of the crib or looking at the ceiling is not very pleasureable. The
baby needs to be taken outside to a different environment. Holding
the baby upright is essential for seeing things around him. Carrying
the baby upright on the back or in the front permits visual stimulation.
Infants need protection from pollutants which disturb the breathing.
This may be a real source of unhappiness. Staying indoors too much
may bring this on from the air stir in the heating system. Fresh clean
are contributes to both health and happiness. Mothers learn to take
a walk in designated areas away fro, car exhaust.
The Use of the Pacifier - The pacifier will stop crying and may
even get the baby back to sleep. Parents are urged to use the pacifier
as infrequently as possible for two reasons: first it will lose its
effectiveness. The infant will not take it. Second, it may replace a
need far more important. Holding, caressing, interaction and visual
stimulation technique is much more valuable and more lasting. The
pacifier may be similar to the Biblical principle: if he asks for bread,
would you give him a stone?